Thursday 26 November 2015

Saul Bass info

 Saul Bass

Saul Bass was an American graphic designer and academy award winning filmmaker, he was best known for his design of motion picture title sequences, movie posters, and logos  for major corporate companies. During his busy career he worked for some of Hollywood's biggest filmmakers, such as Alfred Hitchcock and Otto Preminger. Bass’s posters, however typically simple, his designs visually communicated essential elements of the film. One of his most recognisable quotes was "Design is thinking made visible." which speaks volumes about his work and how he connected his ideas in his head and made them come alive. He was born in New York on the 8th of may 1920 and  later died on the 25th of April 1996 (aged 75). 

Bass's work all has a lot in common such as the colours that he typically uses (red, white, black and orange). These colours work harmoniously together each making the other bolder. He also uses a lot of small shapes to build up an entire image, he does this using sharp straight lines or curved lines, but he rarely uses them together in the same part of an image. 

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